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Phacoemulsification is a kind of ultrasound where the cataract-affected lens is removed and replaced with an intraocular lens (IOL). It is the most common method of removing cataracts.

How it works

A small incision is made at the edge of the cornea where an ultrasonic probe is inserted. The ultrasonic probe is then used to break the cataract-affected lens into small pieces. The broken pieces are then suctioned out, and an intraocular lens is inserted and positioned in its place.

YAG Capsulotomy

Capsulotomy is a post-cataract surgery procedure done within a minimum of 3 months after Phacoemulsification, when the patient experiences cloudy vision again.

How it works

Eye drops will be instilled to dilate the eye. This will give easy access for the YAG laser to create a pathway through the cloudy lens and restore clear vision. This procedure does not involve making any incisions and is painless.

IOL Repositioning (Intraocular Lens Repositioning)

Despite a successful cataract surgery, complications may occur, such that the IOL may become decentered or dislocated due to the lack of capsular support for the lens implanted and will require repositioning.

How it works

Before repositioning, the IOL will be carefully examined through a microscope to identify possible capsular defects and an accurate calculation of the lens’s power is made. A few drops of topical anesthesia will be administered, numbing the eye. An incision will be made into the eye and the lens is repositioned.

IOL Exchange (Intraocular Lens Exchange)

Despite a successful cataract surgery, the patient may experience symptoms similar to their previous condition with a cataract-affected lens such as blurry or double vision, and will require an IOL replacement.

How it works

Before the replacement, the IOL will be carefully examined through a microscope to identify the power of the original IOL and a new calculation of the lens’s power is made. A few drops of topical anesthesia will be administered, numbing the eye. An incision will be made into the eye and the lens is exchanged.